Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Lorax--my review

For many years now, I have been in love with The Lorax. I appreciated Dr. Seuss's way of discussing an environmentally- and politically-charged issue in a very "calm" way. When I was working with the Topeka Zoo, I read The Lorax to the kids in our classes a lot. I was always so happy that I could talk to them about environmental and conservation education without worrying about an "agenda". I completely desecrated an entire Lorax book with my own kids because we read it sooo much. I am a tree girl...through and through, I LOVE TREES.

When I heard The Lorax was coming out on the Silver Screen, cast with the likes of Danny DeVito, Betty White, Ed Helms and Taylor Swift, I was excited...cautiously excited.

After all, Hollywood has a well-earned reputation of blasting their agenda through much of what they produce. The Lorax, although a beloved story, was just sitting there asking to be the next Poster Child for the Environmental Movement.

Regardless, I decided the chickens and I were going to see this movie on Opening Night...on Dr. Seuss's birthday. In 3D.

I entered the theatre last night, unsure of how this was all going to unfold. If Hollywood was going to tell the story the way it was meant to be told. I was also hoping the 3D would be worth it this time (most of the time it really isn't...but I digress)...

After LOTS of additions to the story (it had to last over an hour!), lots of singing and cute one-liners...I am thrilled to report that this movie is really what it's supposed to be. There is definitely some "big business and Capitalism are bad!" going on...but that isn't the agenda here. I left the theatre feeling very much like Hollywood had given "wise use" of resources a fair shot. This definitely wasn't an "all or nothing" movie.

This film is layered like a giant, multi-colored onion...there are so many ideas to see and dissect. I will watch it again and again. And each time I will surely come away with more insight to why The Lorax is such an important story.

The moral of this blog? Even in Hollywood, NO ONE over-rules Dr. Seuss. :)

Oh, and just in case you were curious...The Lorax definitely makes the 3D worth it!