Friday, June 10, 2011


Today, as I was driving down the highway with Jackie & Will, it hit me just how much I miss Gabe.  I miss his obnoxious laugh, his "pre-teen" way of seeing everything, the way only a boy can.  I miss him watching out for me, knowing he is fiercely loyal.  But most of all, I miss how he protects his little brother and sister. 

As we were leaving a store in the mall today (I had to make a quick exchange), Jackie and Will took off running.  With my back and knee all screwed up, I just can't chase them.  So out the doors they went, into the parking lot, and to the van.  On my way out the door, I got an evil look from one of the store employees.  I smiled wryly and went on after my kids.  My thoughts were not pleasant.

As I reached the van and proceeded to make my children's poor decision clear to them, I realized the part of the equation that was missing:  Gabe.  The kids miss him and they are totally out of their element.  I miss him...he usually plays bouncer and cop for me where the little ones are concerned.  If they take off, I send Gabe bounding after them.  It isn't always pretty, but it gets the job done.

So I am completely looking forward to tomorrow evening at 5:30pm when I get to go pick up my boy and bring him back to me where he belongs.  I have a new perspective on Gabe and just how precious he is. 

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! He must be a great big bro :-) And of course, an awesome son!
